Mon - Fri 08:00-17:00
Free Legal Advice
what we are expert at

Legal Aid

Alternative Disputes Resolution

With the objective of aiming to increase access to justice to the poor and the marginalized in the society we at Laju and Legalservers Center encourage use of Alternative Dispute Resolution, ADR. ADR is a process of solving disputes that can be most times speedier and cheaper than in the court system.

Legal Aid Clinic

Laju and Legalservers Center aims to organize outreach programs in the community to provide legal services for the marginalized in society. Through clinics and camps outreach, the aim is to provide legal services, creation of human rights awareness, conducting surveys on social legal issues among other sensitizations to provide access to justice.

Pro-Bono Services

- Through Partnership with volunteer lawyers and advocates, Laju and Legalservers Center aims to provide access to justice by the way of pro-bono services. We have a wide network of Pro- bono lawyers that provides services for legal representation in both civil and criminal cases.


In the self-representation Scheme, Laju and Legalservers Center offer guidance for those seeking justice in court to enable them to be able to act on one’s behalf in court without hiring an advocate. We ensure the participant knows and understands the law while giving suggestions on how to prepare themselves for court and conduct themselves in court.